English: H.M.S 'Victory' towed into Gibraltar, watercolour by Clarkson Stanfield. Probably a study for Stanfield's large oil painting of the subject, his second of the Battle of Trafalgar, that he exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1853. HMS Victory, in full starboard view, is towed into Gibraltar by HMS Neptune, seen ahead in starboard stern view, seven days after the battle.
Date Pre-1853
Deutsch: Fresken in der Galerie des Palazzo Medici-Riccardi in Florenz, Szene: Triumph der Medici in den Wolken des Olymp, Detail
Date 1684-1686
Victory Deutsch: Fresken in der Galerie des Palazzo Medici-Riccardi in Florenz, Szene: Triumph der Medici in den Wolken des Olymp, Detail
Date 1684-1686